Proposed Recycling & Trash Pickup Changes
The City of Rehoboth Beach Commissioners are considering some major changes to residential recycling and trash pickup. The RBHA is asking members and other property owners for their feedback on the following proposed changes.
Residential Recycling
The City of Rehoboth Beach instituted a curbside recycling program in 2007. At that time, the cost of the program was borne by the City and provided to residential customers as a benefit. Due to increased costs from the recycling contractor the Commissioners are considering passing those charges on to the homeowners as a $135 annual fee for residential recycling pickup which would raise the annual trash and recycling bill for full-time residents to $435 and seasonal residents to $410... an increase of almost 50%. Moreover, recycling would become mandatory, and the City would provide homeowners a recycling bin. Curbside recycling is not mandatory in the State of Delaware, but it would become mandatory in Rehoboth Beach.
Residential Trash Pickup
Commissioners are also considering requiring that all curbside trash pickup must be in city-supplied trash bins, either a large or a small size. In addition, it would no longer be acceptable to put trash out for curbside pickup in plastic trash bags or anything other than a city-supplied trash bin. Homeowners who are out of town on trash pickup days might need to contract for local trash valet service to have their trash bins placed curbside for pickup and empty trash bins returned to their normal location. Using the city-provided residential trash valet service might cost homeowners as much as $300 annually above and beyond the City recycling and trash pickup charges. No cost details are available for residents needing multiple trash cans.
Residential Recycling
The City of Rehoboth Beach instituted a curbside recycling program in 2007. At that time, the cost of the program was borne by the City and provided to residential customers as a benefit. Due to increased costs from the recycling contractor the Commissioners are considering passing those charges on to the homeowners as a $135 annual fee for residential recycling pickup which would raise the annual trash and recycling bill for full-time residents to $435 and seasonal residents to $410... an increase of almost 50%. Moreover, recycling would become mandatory, and the City would provide homeowners a recycling bin. Curbside recycling is not mandatory in the State of Delaware, but it would become mandatory in Rehoboth Beach.
Residential Trash Pickup
Commissioners are also considering requiring that all curbside trash pickup must be in city-supplied trash bins, either a large or a small size. In addition, it would no longer be acceptable to put trash out for curbside pickup in plastic trash bags or anything other than a city-supplied trash bin. Homeowners who are out of town on trash pickup days might need to contract for local trash valet service to have their trash bins placed curbside for pickup and empty trash bins returned to their normal location. Using the city-provided residential trash valet service might cost homeowners as much as $300 annually above and beyond the City recycling and trash pickup charges. No cost details are available for residents needing multiple trash cans.